天真的代码 天真描述
4231. 机动车和机动车辆零件和供应商家批发商
4232 家具和家居商人批发商
4233 木材和其他建筑材料商人批发商
4234 专业和商业设备和供应商家批发商
4235 金属和矿物(除石油)商人批发商
4236 家用电器和电气和电子产品商人批发商
4237. 硬件和管道和加热设备和供应商家批发商
4238 机械,设备和供应商家批发商
4239 杂项耐用品商人批发商
4241. 纸和纸产品商人批发商
4242 药物和药剂师的杂物商人批发商
4243 服装,件商品和概念商人批发商
4244 杂货及相关产品商人批发商
4245. 农产品原料商人批发商
4246. 化学和联合产品商人批发商betway必威官方微博
4247 石油和石油产品商人批发商betway必威官方微博
4248 啤酒,葡萄酒和蒸馏酒饮料商人批发商
4249. 杂项无耐劣商品商人批发商
4251. 批发电子市场和代理商和经纪人




批发过程是商品分布的中间步骤。Wholesalers are organized to sell or arrange the purchase or sale of (a) goods for resale (i.e., goods sold to other wholesalers or retailers), (b) capital or durable nonconsumer goods, and (c) raw and intermediate materials and supplies used in production.



(1)销售商品的机构,他们自己的账户被称为批发商家,经销商,乔贝斯,下降托运人和进出口商人。Also included as wholesale merchants are sales offices and sales branches (but not retail stores) maintained by manufacturing, refining, or mining enterprises apart from their plants or mines for the purpose of marketing their products and group purchasing organizations (e.g., purchasing and selling goods on their own account). Merchant wholesale establishments typically maintain their own warehouse, where they receive and handle goods for their customers. Goods are generally sold without transformation, but may include integral functions, such as sorting, packaging, labeling, and other marketing services.

(2)展示佣金基础的商业或购买商品的购买或销售商品的企业被称为商业到商业电子市场,代理商和经纪人,委员会商人,进出口代理商和经纪人,拍卖companies, group purchasing organization (e.g., purchasing or arranging for the purchases of goods owned by others), and manufacturers' representatives. These establishments operate from offices and generally do not own or handle the goods they sell.

